photo: Anne Ryan

I am a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor and a Certified Group Psychotherapist (CGP). I completed my graduate work at Northwestern University’s Masters Program in Counseling Psychology, was a post-graduate fellow at Cathedral Counseling Center, and a long time member of the Lakeview Center for Psychotherapy co-operative.  I have been in practice for almost 20 years. 

I’ve presented experiential trainings in group therapy for the Great Lakes Group Psychotherapy Association and the American Group Psychotherapy Association, and offer consultation to clinicians who are interested in group work.  As a graduate of the Center for Group Studies’ Weekend Training Program, I have expertise in Modern Analytic group psychotherapy. I am also Clinical Assistant Professor of Leadership at the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business, where I teach the course “Interpersonal Dynamics” to MBA students from all over the world. 

My chapter, “A Very Civilized Tea Party: A Leader’s Resistance to Aggression in a Women’s Group,” is part of a new book about the experiences of women group leaders. Entitled Women, Intersectionality and Power in Group Psychotherapy Leadership, the book can be ordered from Taylor and Francis publishers.

The Federal No Surprises Act went into effect on January 1, 2022 to protect patients from surprise medical bills. You may know that many people have been harmed by surprise medical bills, often incurred during emergency or surgical care where there may be out of network providers involved in a patient’s care without their knowledge. When receiving my services there should be no situation in which you would “inadvertently” receive care from me or receive care with no choice. We will discuss my fee so you know and can plan for the cost of services. I do not engage in surprise or balance billing.